Immunisation And Health Related Policy

Lili’s Early Learning has a duty of care to ensure that all children, families and staff are provided with a high level of protection during the hours of the services operation.

Protection includes:

  • Notifying children, families and staff when an excludable illness or disease is present at our service
  • Maintaining a record of children and staff immunisation status
  • Complying to relevant health department exclusion guidelines
  • Increasing awareness of cross infection through physical contact with others

Our centre prevents the spread of illness and disease by implementing the following strategies which:

  • Promote hand washing and other hygienic practices
  • Identify and exclude children and staff with symptoms of an excludable infectious illness or disease
  • Maintain clean and hygienic environments; and
  • Encourage child and adult immunisation.

The best protection for your child against some major infections is immunisation.

Immunising your child gives the body a memory of infection without the risk of natural infection.

Parents are asked to provide the Centre with their Immunisation Records for photo-copying. As you update your child’s immunisation please inform us so we can update our records.

A copy of the National Department Exclusion Timetable for all childhood infectious diseases is available upon request.

Information regarding immunisation and hygienic practices are available at our centre.

Sourced: Staying healthy in child care: Preventing infectious disease in child care (5th Ed.) Hand washing and nose wiping. Childcare and Children’s Health, 6 (2), 1-2. Policy reviewed August 2017

It is policy of the centre that all children’s individual needs are met and that children’s safety is protected to ensure duty of care.


  1. Staff are informed of each child’s individual dietary requirements, to ensure children are safe at all times.
  1. Food prepared on the premises is cooked with egg replacement and nuts are not added to cooking.
  1. Parents are required to provide allergy action plans from their child’s doctor in the circumstance of severe allergies, such as Anaphylaxis.
  1. Parents are required to provide an Asthma action plan from their child’s doctor.
  1. Parents are required to inform the centre and update staff on their children’s dietary requirements.
  1. Parents are required to inform the centre of any allergies or sensitivities their child may have.
  1. Parents are required to inform the centre of any medical conditions or needs their child may have.
  1. It is at the centre’s discretion to request that the parent provide a packed lunch for the child in a named lunch box.
  1. Parents are to update any outdated allergy/asthma action plans, and provide these for the centre in writing.
  1. Children with Anaphylaxis who require the use of an Epi-pen may only attend the service once the staff working directly with the child have an Anaphylaxis qualification.
  1. The centre must be informed prior to enrolment if your child has an additional need, to ensure that the centre is able to cater for your child’s needs.
  2. Cakes – to celebrate birthdays etc – need to be accompanied by a list of ingredients.

Policy reviewed August 2017


At Lili’s Early Learning we ensure that all staff and children are treated equally and provide a safe environment that aims to prevent HIV & Aids.

HIV is a virus carried in the blood and bodily fluids. It is not an occupationally transmitted disease and is not contagious other than contact with an infected person’s blood or bodily fluids.

There is no obligation, legal or otherwise, for anyone to inform an employer, centre provider, or centre of their own or their child’s HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B, C or other blood borne virus status.

If a parent or member of staff discloses that a child has been tested as antibody positive for the HIV Virus, then the Centre must follow the laws of confidentiality and non-discrimination.


At LEL will aim to prevent the spread of any Hepatitis virus throughout the Centre and will inform staff about the current information regarding Hepatitis.

There are three different forms of Hepatitis: Hepatitis A, B and C.

Hepatitis A and B vaccinations are recommended for child care workers, particularly those who care for children who are not toilet trained and or immunised.