First Aid Policy

At Lili’s Early Learning, we have a responsibility to protect the health and safety of each individual at all times. We have a duty of care to provide a safe and healthy environment.

If a child has an accident, is injured or is ill the parents will be notified immediately. During this time the child will be kept comfortable and will be observed closely until the parent(s) arrive.

If the parent cannot be contacted, the emergency person nominated will be contacted.

In emergency circumstances where an ambulance or a doctor is required, we will proceed to contact them.

At all times, at least one staff/carer with first aid qualifications will be on duty. First Aid training is done regularly at the centre and copies of the staff’s first aid certificates are kept.

Aims of first aid are:
To keep the patient alive.
To prevent the condition worsening.
To relieve anxiety, pain and discomfort.

All staff members must remember that first aid is FIRST aid only, consisting of measures to be taken before a doctor or ambulance is in attendance.   

  1. Assess the injury and take immediate action.
  1. If the injury requires outside attention, contact the parents immediately.
  1. If no outside attention is needed, parents must be notified either by phone or upon arrival to collect the child.
  1. All injuries and incidents must be documented by staff on the accident report, and countersigned by the parents upon arrival at the centre.
  1. The manager must report serious injuries and incidents to the Department within 24 hours.

The Poisons Information telephone number 131126 is next to every telephone in the centre and where dangerous products are stored.

We have a clearly labeled First Aid Kit which meets regulatory requirements on the premises and is checked regularly for stock replacement and expiry dates.

Upon collection of your child a staff member will discuss any incident with you and you will then need to sign the accident book for regulatory requirements.

Sourced: First Aid in the workplace
Policy reviewed August 2017