Anaphylaxis Policy

Parents are to inform the centre in writing if their child suffers from a known allergy or anaphylactic reaction. Children may have allergic reactions to food, medication, stings, plants or sunscreen and staff are to be made aware of any potential risk.

Staff and parents are to ensure that all reasonable measures are implemented to minimise risk and protect children from exposure to allergens. Where a child has a known anaphylactic allergy, parents must provide a Epi-Pen Kit every day of attendance and a “Management/Emergency Action Plan” signed by a doctor that is to be displayed in the rooms for all.


1. A child at known risk of anaphylaxis will not be accepted without an up-to-dated and fully maintained Epi-Pen Kit and allergy action plan.

The kit should contain the following:

• Epi-Pen or Epi-Pen - junior
• Anti-Histamine used to treat a mild to moderate allergic reaction
• Up-to-date management plan, signed by an authorised medical practitioner, containing emergency contact details

2. The centre will act to minimise the risk of anaphylactic reactions. Staff will aim to avoid all potential known causes.

3. All reactions need to be taken seriously, but not all reactions will require adrenaline. Staff will contact an ambulance on 000 should a child have an anaphylactic reaction.

4. A list of children’s allergies must be displayed in every room. Allergy action plans must be signed by a doctor to be displayed in every room.

5. Parents must give written consent to the use of an Epi-Pen.

6. If a child appears to be having an anaphylactic reaction, call an ambulance on 000 and administer their Epi-Pen.

7. If an Epi-Pen is given, an ambulance must be contacted.

8. An Epi-Pen (with expiry date) must be provided by the parent for use at any time whilst a child at risk is in care at the centre. Epi-Pens are stored in an insulated container, clearly labeled in a location easily accessible to adults (not locked away), inaccessible to children and kept out of direct sunlight/heat.

9. Expiry dates on Epi-Pens should be regularly checked.

10. All staff including relief staff are made aware of the location of Epi-Pens.

11. The parent/guardians contact details and emergency contact numbers should be kept with the Epi-Pen kit.

12. Measures are set in place to prevent contamination of food given to the child at risk of anaphylaxis.

13. Staff will complete Risk Minimisation Forms that must be signed by the parent.

14. Children must NEVER share food. A child at severe risk of exposure may be required to sit at a separate table from other children while eating.

15. Meal tables will be thoroughly cleaned prior to consuming and after consuming food.

16. All staff will undertake anaphylaxis and Epi-Pen training. This training will be reinforced at staff meetings and updated every three years.

17. Allergy lists are updated regularly and displayed in all rooms including the kitchen.

18. Dietary requirements due to allergies will be taken into consideration during the preparation of food for individual children.

19. Parents of children who have severe intolerances/allergies to food may be required to provide food from home.

20. All staff are made aware of the children’s individual allergies and any known reactions and ensure that adequate precautions are taken to avoid contact with the known causes.

21. Staff and management will ensure that relief staff is informed about children with allergies and the signs/symptoms.

22. The centre avoids the use of nuts. Nuts are a common cause of allergic reactions in young children. Staff should not however have a false sense of protection. Staff must check for trace elements of potentially allergic foods in all products.

23. Parents of young babies will be requested to introduce solids over a minimum period of three days prior to the centre serving the new food. This is to ensure that an allergic reaction does not occur at the centre.

24. It is requested that the first dose of any new medication be administered by the parent at home to ensure that an allergic reaction does not occur at the centre.

25. Parents must ensure that all allergies are properly diagnosed by a medical practitioner.

26. Staff will practice Epi-Pen administration procedures on a regular basis.

Sourced: Department of Human Services Policy reviewed August 2017